Open Source Risk Engine

Open source software for pricing and risk analysis

The risk analytics platform that global financial institutions rely on

The Open Source Risk project is a transparent, peer-reviewed, free-to-access framework for pricing and risk analysis. It serves as a benchmarking, validation, training and teaching reference and an extensive foundation for tailored risk solutions.

Open Source Risk Engine

Setup & Information

What is ORE?

In this video, we give an overview
of what is Open-source Risk Engine (ORE):

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- How it was created (i.e. its history and original purpose)

- What it is now and who is currently using it- How it can be extended through already existing modules as part of ORE+

- How Acadia can help you expend it in many ways possible for your own purposes and needs through our expert services

- A high-level view on how to install and use it

How to install ORE?

In this video, we explain how to
install and test Open source Risk Engine

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How to install and test Open source Risk Engine
(ORE) in Visual Studio 2022
using the package manager vcpkg and CMake as a way to build the library.

We will provide you with step-by-step instructions on:
00:00 Introduction
02:11 Chapter 1 - How to download, install & configure vcpkg
05:10 Chapter 2 - How to download & build ORE
with CMake in VS with the "Open/Folder" option
10:05 Chapter 3 - How to run one of ORE examples

Files Configuration

Trades XML Files

In this video, we walk you through
the ORE XML trade detail specification

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In the context of ORE, these XML capture
the individual trade economics for any type
of OTC derivatives instrument.In particular,
we show a few examples of trades and their most common structure:
- Interest Rate Swap
- Equity Swap
- Bond Total Return Swap (TRS)
- Credit Default Swap (CDS)
- FX Forward- Equity Forward
- European Equity Option
- Interest Rate European Swaption
- Index CDS Option
- Equity_Digitial Option
- Equity OneTouch Option
- Equity European Barrier Option
- Cross Currency Swap Amortising

How to change the reporting currency?

In this video we explain how to change
the reporting currency when pricing a trade

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To illustrate how this works, we use data from the video "TA001 - Equity Option with Implied Volatility Surface" which is in EUR, then we configure the inputs files and finally, we add the required market data for a USD collateralization. This involves adding the followings curves in curveconfig.xml and todaysmarket.xml and all the corresponding market data in the marketdata.txt file:
- 1 EUR-USD Cross-Currency Curve
- 1 USD Discounting Curve
- 1 USD Projecting Curve
- 2 new EUR Projecting Curves

General Configuration & Master File

In this video, we explain the general setup
of ORE , how the master file contains
all information regarding the other input files

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It is recommended to watch this video when starting to learn about ORE as it gives a good overview of all the files involved when performing any analysis, from simple NPV to more complex CVA (some additional files are needed in this situation though).
There are 3 parts talked about for the master file:
- Setup: This part contains general information about the date of the calculation, the location of the input/outputs files, the verbosity of the log file...

- Markets: This part is useful when a specific market configuration needs to be created

- Analysis: This part provides information about the type of analysis that needs to be performed

Trades & Analytics

Interest Rate Swap

In this video, we explain how to setup
ORE to price an interest rate swap.

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In particular, we describe the following inputs files:
- Master (or ore.xml)
- Todaysmarket
- Curveconfig
- PricingEngine
- MarketData

Equity Option with Implied Volatility Surface

In this video, we explain how to setup ORE
to price an equity option with implied volatility.

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How to set up ORE to calculate the NPV of an equity option with implied volatility surface.
This is a good video to watch for beginners as it goes into a bit more detail regarding the connection between all input files than the pricing videos that will be produced next.

Technical Finance

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Introduction to the Open Source Risk Project

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