Data Suite

Leveraging Acadia’s vast data set to provide industry analytics, reporting and services

Streamline your data and take advantage of additional services via Acadia and our partner network.

Acadia has created an industry-wide repository of trade, margin and collateral data that optimizes and centralizes risk management.

We provide a digitalized, centralized data management service that allows financial firms to improve efficiency and mitigate costs.

Data Suite Solutions

Data Exploration

Data Exploration leverages our central vantage point to create an industry standard for reporting and analytics. We provide analysis of your position in the market as well as peer group comparison metrics.

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Industry Risk Classification

Industry Risk Classification is an essential mapping tool for firms utilizing ISDA SIMM™ for regulatory initial margin. The service determines the most commonly used Credit and Equity buckets across the industry for your ISDA SIMM™ calculation.

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Access connects you easily and securely to your vendor partners from agreement digitization and online negotiation to Pre-Trade Initial Margin analysis tools and Initial Margin Optimization, removing the risk of data leakage.

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Risk Services Suite

Our Risk Services Suite (RSS) provides a standardized approach to UMR compliance. You benefit from a single contract, cost effective set price, connectivity to all Phase 1, 2, 3 and 4 firms, and access to the entire Acadia community.

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UMR Collateral Suite

A complete solution to comply with uncleared margin rules, combining the best of AcadiaPlus initial margin tools with Collateral Manager.

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UMR Collateral Suite

A complete solution to comply with uncleared margin rules, combining the best of AcadiaPlus initial margin tools with Collateral Manager.

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Unlock a trading edge with Acadia Quant Services

Our highly experienced team is focused on delivering solutions for demanding projects in the areas of quantitative analysis, risk management and model validation. Visit Quant Services to find more about how your firm can leverage the Quant team at Acadia.

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