Helping firms who need to monitor or exchange Regulatory Initial Margin

Risk Services Suite

Simplifying Uncleared Margin Rules compliance

Our Risk Services Suite (RSS) provides a standardized approach to UMR compliance. You benefit from a single contract, cost effective set price, connectivity to all Phase 1, 2, 3 and 4 firms, and access to the entire Acadia community.


Agreements in Agreement Manager


New agreements each quarter



14.8 Million

Margin calls processed per year
Key Benefits of Risk Services Suite

A single solution for all of your UMR requirements


Single source of all key UMR information


Access to the Acadia global community


Central testing and negotiating contacts for each group


Daily Monitoring of ISDA SIMM Performance​


Pre-Trade Analysis of to manage within IM thresholds​

Discover the Risk Services Suite

Agreement Manager

Establishes a single representation of collateral agreements via a centralized platform, enabling common standards and a unified workflow.

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IM Risk Generator

Enables sensitivities calculation and generates the Common Risk Interchange Format (CRIF) file that forms the input to the SIMM calculation.

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IM Threshold Monitor

Highlights your estimated IM exposure calculation and receive breach alerts for firms in scope for UMR

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IM Exposure Manager

Provides an industry standard platform for end-to-end IM reconciliation and calculation.

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Margin Manager

A full STP workflow for calculation of IM margin calls and access to the entire counterparty network.

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Dynamic Margin Monitor

Monitor your ISDA SIMM shortfalls proactively. Daily monitoring of IM to catch exceedances and allow firms to actively manage their model

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Pre-Trade Analytics

Understand the impact of new trading through
pre-trade analytics

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CRIF Match

Automatic matching of trades IDs with counterparties to optimize the performance of Initial Margin Exposure Manager

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Discover how your firm can benefit from our Risk Services Suite

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