October 22, 2020

Korea Asset Pricing, Establishing Partnership with AcadiaSoft

Korea Asset Pricing (CEO Joon-Yeon Kim, Tae-Kwan Kim) announced the establishment of formal partnership by signing a license agreement with AcadiaSoft’s (Headquartered in the US) service development tool (Initial Margin toolkit including IM Exposure Manager – the global standard for calculation and reconciliation of Initial Margin). AcadiaSoft is a distinguished leader in the risk and collateral management service required for trading non-clearing OTC derivatives. Korea Asset Pricing signed a SIMM (Standard Initial Margin Model) license agreement with ISDA (International Swap & Derivatives Association) on July 22nd, 2019, and completed the SIMM v2.2 unit test on December 5th, 2019. KAP have supported the establishment of the UMR (Uncleared Margin Rules) in Korea. In order to broaden the understanding of the UMR, it is reported that KAP signed a confidentiality agreement with AcadiaSoft, an international leader in the fields, in February of this year. With continuous business exchanges, KAP signed the API license agreement this month. An official from Korea Asset Pricing commented, “With a license agreement with AcadiaSoft, we are able to provide necessary services when trading non-cleared OTC derivatives that meets the international standards.”.

한국자산평가㈜, AcadiaSoft 사와 협력 관계 구축

한국자산평가㈜(대표이사 김준연, 김태관)는 미국의 AcadiaSoft 사의 서비스 개발툴(개시증거금의 계산과 대사에 대한 국제 규격으로 인정받는 IM Exposure Manager 를 포함한 개시증거금 toolkit)에 대한 라이선스 계약을 맺으며 공식 협력 계를 구축하였다고 밝혔다. AcadiaSoft 사는 비청산 장외파생상품 거래를 위해 필요한 위험 및 담보 관리서비스 분야에서 독보적인 선두업체이다. 한국자산평가㈜는 2019년 7월 22일 ISDA(국제스왑파생상품협회)와 SIMM(표준개시증거금 산출모형) 라이선스 계약을 체결하고, 2019년 12월 5일 SIMM v2.2 단위 테스트에 통과하는 등 국내 개시증거금 제도의 정착을 위하여 준비하여 왔다. 개시증거금제도에 대한 이해의 폭을 넓히기 위해 관련 분야에서 국제적으로 선두업체인AcadiaSoft사와 금년 2월에 비밀유지협약을 체결하고 업무 교류를 지속하여 왔으며, 금월에는 AcadiaSoft사의 제안으로 라이선스 계약을 맺은 것으로 알려졌다. 한국자산평가㈜ 관계자는 “AcadiaSoft사와 라이선스 계약으로 국제기준에 부합된 비청산 장외파생상품 거래 시 필요한 서비스를 제공할 수 있게 되었다”고 평가했다.

About AcadiaSoft
AcadiaSoft, Inc. is the leading industry provider of risk and collateral management services for the non-cleared derivatives community. AcadiaPlus is a new generation open platform that provides the sell-side, the buy-side and fund administrators with specialist applications and a third-party partner ecosystem for the straight-through processing of the entire risk mitigation lifecycle. Backed by 16 major industry participants and market infrastructures, AcadiaSoft is used by a community of more than 1350 firms exchanging approximately $700B of collateral on a daily basis via its margin automation services. AcadiaSoft is headquartered in Norwell, MA, and has offices in London, New York and Tokyo. For more information, visit acadiasoft.com. Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Laura Craft
+44 20 3954 0196

Eleis Brennan
+1 212-754-5610

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